Omega Discovers $3.4 Million Fake Speedmaster Watch Sold

Swiss luxurious watchmaker Omega has discovered. It fell sufferer to “prepared crook activity”involving the sale of a fake Speedmaster watch for a staggering $3.4 million. The watch, believed to be a rare and exceptional 1957 stainless steel chronograph. It buy by Omega itself at a Geneva public sale in November 2021 for 25 instances the auctioneer’s anticipate price. However, investigations later find that the timepiece was a counterfeit compose of mostly authentic Omega components. Three former Omega employees admitted their involvement in the scheme. The company is now pursuing criminal charges against all parties involved.

Omega and Phillips: Joint Victims

Both Omega and auction house Phillips were unwittingly victims of this elaborate fraud. The counterfeit watch, known as a “Frankenstein” timepiece. It was falsely presented as an authentic collectible model. The deception allowed the culprits to justify an exorbitant bid via intermediaries. It is permitting them to take advantage of the sale. Omega and Phillips are cooperating fully with authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice and shed light on the seller’s identity.

Omega Speedmaster: A Historic Timepiece

Omega’s Speedmaster watches have a rich history, most notably as the first watch worn on the moon in 1969. This iconic moment, captured in a now-famous photograph of Buzz Aldrin. It cement the Speedmaster’s legacy as an emblem of excellence and innovation. The brand’s watches are rever by celebrities like Ryan Reynolds, George Clooney, and Rory McIlroy, making the fraudulent scheme all the more shocking and damaging to Omega’s reputation.


The discovery of a $3.4 million counterfeit Speedmaster watch has shaken Omega. It is revealing the extent of criminal activity within the luxury watch industry. As the investigation continues, the company is committed to bringing the culprits to justice and safeguarding its reputation for authenticity and excellence. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for heightened vigilance against counterfeit products and criminal schemes within the luxury market.